Creative Flair

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Welcome to Creative Flair Payment Page

This page offers an alternative method of payment for both our school and nursery classes. You can also pay for Tshirts on this page.

To use our payment page, simply fill in all of the fields on the form so that we can identify the pupil you are paying for and the correct amount you need to pay. If you have more than one child to pay for or need to include a Tshirt payment and fees, then please pay for everything in one single payment as each order incurs a transaction charge to Creative Flair. Please use a debit card when using this service.

If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me via and I’ll be happy to help. Thanks, Jennifer Faulkner – Owner/Manager of Creative Flair

Amount to pay  £
*Pupil Name
Name of school or nursery 

(if you need to write me a note)
*Payer Name
*Payer Email

Please contact the school if you have any queries relating to this payment